Police dogs named after brave officers

police dog

In Canada, the specialized Metro Vancouver Transit Police have named a 2-year-old German shorthaired pointer for a deceased CPS officer, Sgt. Andrew Harnett. The police dog is proudly named Harnett after it graduated in explosive detection.

The Metro Vancouver Transit Police unit officials proudly believe that this act of naming the police dog will honour the fallen CPS officer, Sgt. Andrew Harnett.

As the newest member of the Metro Vancouver Transit Police unit, Harnett – the police dog will carry the name and legacy of the departed Calgary police officer.

Harnett, who is one of the two explosive detection canine dogs, was enrolled during a graduation ceremony on Thursday.

Harnett, the police dog is named for Calgary police Sgt. Andrew Harnett, who was severely injured in a nasty mishap on New Year’s Eve 2020. Sgt. Andrew Harnett was awfully dragged by a fleeing vehicle that had dogged a traffic signal and hit by oncoming traffic. Hours later after the brutal event, Sgt. Andrew Harnett succumbed to his wounds.

Harnett, the police dog who is a two-year-old German shorthaired pointer will keep watch on trains, buses and sea routes with his handler, Lisa Mackay. Together, they will be providing services to 22 communities in the Lower Mainland region of British Columbia.

“We will always remember Andrew’s ultimate sacrifice for his country and knowing that he will be remembered in Vancouver really provides us comfort,” Harnett’s family and Calgary police said in a report.

The second canine graduate in explosive detection, Chopper, is an 18-month-old black Labrador retriever named for Const. Ryan (Chopper) Masales of Abbotsford Police, who died on March 20. Const. Ryan (Chopper) Masales was diagnosed with an aggressive Stage 4 brain tumour almost four years earlier.

“Harnett and Chopper – the two police dogs will help passengers learn more about our two brave officers Sgt. Andrew Harnett and Const. Ryan Chopper Masales”, said Sgt. Gord McGuinness from Metro Vancouver Transit Police.

In a video post Sgt. Gord McGuinness also added that this is a great opportunity for both, the dogs and their handlers to make known the stories of the two excellent officers as brave policemen and continue the incredible legacy they have left behind.

During Thursday’s ceremony, Harnett and Chopper – the two police dogs were presented with service medals and honoured at Calgary Force.

Though Sgt. Andrew Harnett’s family could not be present at the ceremony, they posted their regards and acknowledgement on social media platform.

“It is an honour. Another brave #Harnett is back on the watch,” says a tweet from Sgt. Andrew Harnett’s younger brother Jason Harnett.

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