Page – 17 > My First Pizza Ever

my first pizza

Dear diary,

Today I met the holy trinity of cheese, bread, and tomatoey goodness – a pizza.

It brought out the beast within me. The moment that piece of pizza entered the room, it made my nose go crazy, and my taste buds flood.

I ran towards mama who was holding the pizza slice which looked too less for the three of us.

Selfie was busy barking at the dogs on the street, so one problem solved.

Tuffy was with me when the pizza came, and he stood still like a statue drooling at the plush pizza slice.

But I treated him like he was invisible because I wanted to eat that whole slice of yummy goodness alone.

As mama came closer, I jumped to snatch that piece from mama’s hand.

For a while, it made me forget my fractured leg. I was a hopping and bouncing like my legs were huge springs.

I was all tippy-taps when mama gave me my first piece of pizza.

Mama Mia! This tastes even better than what it looks. Chomp! Chomp! Chomp!

Mama gave some to grandpa Tuffy. I ran to snatch that piece from his mouth, but for the first time I saw this old man eat so quickly. Huh! No luck here!

Mama gave the two of us another piece of that lip-smackingly-good pizza. It was the tastiest thing I’d ever eaten, and the best part – it was homemade.

We did not leave a crumb on mama’s fingers.

Tuffy kissed mama’s nose, and I pushed him away to lie on her lap, to cuddle with her.

I licked mama’s ears as a special thank you for my first pizza ever, and she kissed me and said- “You’re welcome my doll-face. Muah!”

From now on, I’m no more an Indie. I’m now a Pizza-Hound.

This is baby Hyena signing-off, ready to visit Pizza-Land in my dreams tonight.

See you tomorrow again! Bye-bye! 🐾 

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