Page-13 > My fun car ride with mama

Dear diary,

Today morning, mama took me to the vet for a weekly check-up of my splint as I keep biting it until mama doesn’t muzzle me.

Before we could leave, mama packed me a bag with my health record, X-ray report, a water bottle and a bowl.

She also hid some treats in her pocket to pamper me when I get scared.

In a few minutes, a giant box with four wheels arrived at our gate.

Wait a minute, this one looks similar to the one parked in our house.

It’s a car!!!

Oh no! I’m afraid of cars. They are huge, moving boxes that make me nervous.

I have been twice inside a car, and whenever it starts moving, I hide my face under mama’s arms throughout the journey.

Soon, I can feel all my organs shivering.

Today, before I could begin to panic in the car, mama carefully carried me in her arms and pressed a button.

This magic button opened a window, a window with cool breeze filling my nose.

I stood up in mama’s arms to look around outside. Swoosh!

Suddenly, a huge puff of breeze brushed my face and tried to lick it in amazement.

Wow! This feels wonderful.

As continuous waves of breeze hit my face, my nostrils got bigger in size.

The sun shined on my nose and I rested my head on mama’s arms to enjoy the moment for a while.

I could smell so many hoomans, dogs and other animals, and see many cars moving, some small like the one we were in, and some double in size.  

Holy Moly! I wonder how many puppies can fit inside those giant cars.

Mama kissed me on my cheeks and encouraged me with treats.

I was not scared of cars anymore, and on my return from the vet, I hung my head out to feel and lick the breeze, and after a moment, I dozed off on the seat with my head on mama’s lap.

Once we were home, mama carried me to my bed, and I dreamed of another ride in a car.

This is baby Hyena signing-off, ready for many more fun-rides in our car.

See you tomorrow again! Bye-bye! 🐾 

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