Improve your dog’s diet with these 8 healthy herbs for dogs

healthy herbs for dogs

Like humans, our canine friends require acute care. Any compromise in their health can make them sick and lethargic. If you love having a fun-loving and active companion, keep a good check on your dog’s health. Herbs for dogs can be a great choice  to boost up their diet.

Herbs can be a great add-on to a dog’s diet as they are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that can boost your dogs immune system and digestion.

Some herbs can be harmful to dogs, however, certain herbs do provide nutritional benefits for our furry friends, especially those with specific health conditions. Indeed, herbs can be a safe way to treat a dog as long as you know its uses and carefully feed them.

To keep your dog healthy, avoid unhealthy treats filled with carbohydrates and try to offer home-cooked food with some beneficial herbs.

Herbs can be a great addition to a dog’s normal daily diet but picking the right herbs for dogs can be confusing, given the plethora of herbs to choose from.

Here is a list of 8 wonderful herbs for dogs that can be consumed as fresh plants.

1. Rosemary

If we talk about a plant that your dog can consume, there is no better choice other than Rosemary. The herb is beneficial for the mood as well as the memory of a dog. 

Apart from this, Rosemary is ideal for breeds with long hair. Long hair breeds need special care. We often purchase a long hair dog brush, suitable shampoo, and other hair care products. 

If we just add Rosemary to our dog’s diet, it will give a boost to the dog’s hair health. Give it for direct munching, or you can prepare some delectable homemade biscuits out of it. 

2. Dandelions 

Digestive problems are common among dogs. It is where Dandelions can help you. You can simply mix its roots in your dog’s food. 

It is a great source of calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin A, B, C, and whatnot. Experts often suggest this herb to dogs with liver issues. 

Besides this, the plant has been used in herbal medicines for ages. It is anti-inflammatory too. And, people often use it to treat bowel disease in dogs. 

Not just this, Dandelions are also helpful in effectively treating other life-threatening diseases like cancer, autoimmune disease, heart problems, and many others. It is an antioxidant, which fights the free radicals to prevent such diseases. 

3. Turmeric 

Almost all of us know what is turmeric. People from various parts of the world use this yellow powdery herb in their food. The powder is also known for healing wounds. 

Thankfully, it is equally beneficial for dogs. But you need to observe its impact on your pet. Some dogs are highly sensitive and get stomach issues after consumption. 

Start from a small quantity, and if it works well, give 20 mg of turmeric for every 10 pounds. Additionally, dogs with osteoarthritis can feel better after adding this herb to the diet. 

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4. Thyme 

People who have a kitchen garden at home, will definitely have a Thyme plant. If this is the case with you, you can give Thyme to your pup. 

Growing this herb as an indoor plant is very easy. Also, note that it effectively treats all sorts of oral diseases in dogs. It is famous for being an oral antiseptic. 

Thyme can also show significant improvement in dogs with digestive problems. It helps in addressing urinary tract infections, which are also common in several breeds.

However, consuming too much Thyme can have adverse impact on the dog.

5-   Basil 

Basil is an herb that offers both emotional as well as physical health benefits to dogs. If your dog seems physically fit, but facing a lot of stress, try out this herb. 

It reduces stress and controls anxiety with regular use. Thankfully, it is easily grown and available in almost every country. 

Be it an arthritis issue or a problem with digestion, Basil can help your dog. It is anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial too. 

Packed with a lot of nutrients and vitamins, the herb helps in fighting against several diseases. Add it to your dog’s routine meal and make the food healthier than ever. 

6. Parsley 

Another delectable herb on our list is Parsley. Humans love its amazing taste and so do the dogs. Most importantly, it offers a wide array of health benefits. 

The herb is best suited for dogs with oral health issues. Let your pet chew it directly to have a fresh breath. 

And, try offering fresh Parsley only. Your dog won’t like the dried form of it because of its poor quality. 

Like other herbs, it also provides a good dose of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Because of these health benefits, dogs can improve their organ function and enjoy a healthy life. 

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7. Cinnamon 

Like Parsley, Cinnamon also offers a variety of benefits for your dog’s oral health. You can offer the herb while brushing your dog’s teeth and it will help maintain the hygiene. 

Additionally, it is helpful for the emotional well-being of our pets. Dogs who often face stress and mood swings can consume Cinnamon. 

Apart from it, it has a lot of antioxidants, which flush out all toxins from the dog’s body. 

Though the taste is a bit different, the health benefits are tremendous. If your dog has diabetes or sepsis, adding this herb to the diet can be a good option. 

8. Flax Seeds 

If your dog’s health condition requires a good dose of fiber, there is no other better option than Flax Seeds. Look at various high-quality canned dog food products and you will find flax seeds in the ingredient list. 

Furthermore, these seeds are good for the dog’s skin. They are full of omega-3 fatty acids and are also ideal for boosting immunity. 

Vitamins and nutrients are present in this herb and it helps in eliminating all harmful substances from the pet’s body. 

Rather than giving them as whole seeds, grind them and then mix them in cookie dough or any other meal. 

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Wrapping It Up 

Herbs provide plenty of health benefits to our furry friends. But not every other herb is the right choice for your dog. Determine the health condition of your pet, study the benefits of each herb, and then pick the best one. 

Now that you have learnt about some beneficial herbs for dogs, you can make some of them a healthy addition to your dog’s diet.

Cinnamon, parsley, thyme, flax seeds, dandelion, rosemary, basil, and turmeric offer amazing health benefits. Some of these herbs are ideal for mental health while others boost immunity. 

No matter which herb you opt for, always start with a small quantity. Observe if your dog is good at digesting it and then increase the quantity gradually. 

Soon you will see a healthy and happy companion!

Share this very interesting and informative article with all the dog parents out there.

About the Author :

Arslan Hassan is an electrical engineer with a passion for writing, designing, and anything tech-related. His educational background in the technical field has given him the edge to write on many topics. He occasionally writes blog articles for Dynamologic Solutions.

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