Story of DJ – The Miracle Border Collie Dog

DJ the miracle dog

It was during an emergency rescue on the North Coast of New South Wales in Australia when a dog named DJ fell into the floodwaters and was left behind.

This heart-breaking incident took place when the army airlifted and rescued some people who were the owner and family of DJ, and also some neighbours.

DJ was with his owner and a neighbour on a boat when, unfortunately, he slipped and fell into the floodwaters during the rescue.

In his reflex, DJs owner tried to grab him, but ripped a chunk of his hair out and soon he saw DJ disappear under the house.

DJs owner was panicking around trying to find him when the chopper pilot told him they had to go or he would jeopardize his life.

After DJ fell into the floodwaters and disappeared, the owner screamed and denied to leave without DJ.

But the floodwaters were consuming the house rapidly. The army rescue men told the owner it was time to leave and the risk of waiting a second more would cost them their lives.

It was a tough moment for DJs owner and all they could do was to watch on in dismay as DJ fell into floodwaters and gradually disappeared.

The floodwaters swallowed the whole house and in minutes there was not even a single brick left where the house was.

There was no hope for DJ to be found alive but his owner did not want to give up without trying. He was determined to find DJ, for his daughters too loved DJ so much.

DJs family was heartbroken for days but soon they had a little hope in the disaster when a neighbour reported seeing DJ. This prompted the active search mission for DJ.

Strangers led a social media campaign to search for DJ and volunteers came as saviours in need to help the owner in his mission to find DJ.

After being lost in floodwaters for three nights, no one could imagine a dog to survive such a tragedy.

But DJ the miracle Border Collie dog survived three nights alone in floodwaters in the town of Bungawalbin and miraculously, he has now been reunited with his ecstatic family.

The rescue and search mission for DJ lasted six hours and using a boat and a jet ski and with hope and determination DJ the miracle Border Collie was found.

The team successfully united DJ with his owner and family, and also rescued ten other dogs and six cats during DJs search mission.

As the search team with volunteers and DJs owner got near the flooded areas and further out, they saw hundreds of dead bodies of cows and other animals floating in the floodwater.

DJs owner thought to himself that he had wasted these people’s time and lost hope of finding anything out there.

The miracle moment was when DJs owner was outside yelling for DJ and after half an hour he thought he heard a dog howling.

While he was up to chest-level in water looking for DJ and had actually given up, he had a feeling and looked to his right.

A black-and-white dog was sitting on top of a huge stack of metal which probably may have been a shed or something.

And, it was DJ – the miracle Border Collie dog.

Despite being exhausted and starving after his three-days of suffering, DJ did not stop smiling from the moment he was rescued.

The miraculous discovery of DJ the Border Collie turned even sweeter when DJs owner reunited the dog with his daughters in Lismore.

When DJs owner got back to town with DJ, his daughters were covered in mud and slush because they’d been helping clean up houses in town.

The moment their eyes fell on DJ, it sparkled with joy, and the look on their faces was gold.

While searching for DJ, his owner had broken down when they were at the house seeing everything gone, flushed away, especially his daughters’ things.

But then when they found DJ, they couldn’t wish for anything better.

After finding DJ, the family is determined to now help others and save as many people and animals as possible.

DJs discovery meant that there is still hope and better things can happen when we hope.

Currently, DJ and his family are in Lismore living in a house with 18 other people rescued from the floods and, like so many in the devastated town, they are struggling to get food and clean water.

Though DJs family has lost their house and everything else, but they have each other — and DJ.

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Also read – Story of Boomer – A four-legged teacher

Also read – Incredible Story of a stray Dog and a baby Deer

Also read – Barry – The Saint Bernard and the story of his rescues

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