Page – 71 > Mama’s warm cuddles

Dear diary,

With temperatures taking a dip every week, me and my dog siblings are getting accustomed to the cold and the temptation is to stay indoors.

Days seem to be less sunny and nights are getting colder. For most of the day, we are safely snuggled under a warm blanket.

Selfie waits for the sun to shine in the sky and rushes to the terrace to bask in it all day.

Tuffy is always curled up in a ball the entire day. Most of the time he sleeps snug wrapped in his own long, thick fur, and sometimes he uses his bedding.

I too have a cozy warm bedding with a thick blanket, but these days I love to hop on mama’s bed or the sofa in the living room for the afternoon nap.

I also love to cuddle with mama and big mama at night after they cover up with their blankets. Those warm cuddles make me melt right away.

Last night, when I hopped on mama’s bed, she told me ‘that’s a no’ and carried me off to put me back on my bedding.

She repeated the command ‘that’s a no’ and kissed me good night in my bed.

After mama left, I sneaked into big mama’s room and jumped on her bed.

Big mama was sleeping like a baby bear. I curled up on her blanket and nestled near her leg side.

I really love to cuddle with big mama, she never minds, mostly because when I hop on her bed, she is always asleep. (Wide grin)

This is baby Hyena signing-off, enjoy warm cuddles with my pack in my first winter season.

See you tomorrow again! Bye-bye!  🐾

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