Wolves are the ancestors of dogs and the howling sound is habitually used by wolves as a way to unite with other wolves.
Why Do Dogs Howl
The howling behavior is sometimes triggered by sounds like sirens or horns, other dogs howling, a sound on the television, someone singing or an owner imitating a howling sound.
Reasons That Must Be Addressed
-Pack Separation Anxiety-Owner Separation Anxiety-Isolation Distress-Sad and Annoyed-Medical Issues
Harmless Reasons
-To mark their territorial presence-To grab their owner’s attention-To alert their owner about possible danger-To make contact and acknowledge other dogs
Training a Dog Not to Howl
-Redirecting his attention-Desensitization and Counterconditioning (DSCC)-Spending Time with your Dog
The Dogs Most Likely to Howl
Studies say, as a dog gets older it tends to howl more often. This is especially true of senior dogs who become disoriented due to dementia or loss of vision or hearing.