Watch the sunlight hours

Avoid exposing your dog to sunlight for more than an hour during summers. Plan your daily walks and exercise your dog early morning or after sunset.

Never, ever leave a dog in the car

Temperature inside a car parked in the sun can reach up to 160° in a matter of minutes Dogs left in parked cars suffer brain damage and die from heatstroke.

Know the Signs

watch out for symptoms of overheating and dehydration in dogs.  Heavy panting  Excessive drooling  Bloodshot eyes  Vomiting  Loss of consciousness  Wobbly legs  Restlessness or Lethargy

Hydrate! Hydrate!

Make sure there is always plenty of clean, fresh, cool water for your dog. Keep a bowl full of water in every room and shady-corners of your garden and terrace

Moisten the food

Dogs tend to eat less in summer and use most of their time to cool themselves off. It is advisable to serve them small and moistened meals for a summer diet.

Keep indoors cool & ventilated

While keeping your dog indoors, remember to keep a fan or air cooler on in the room he rests. Make sure the room is airy and has adequate ventilation.

Dog Pools

Swimming is fun during summer. It keeps dogs cool and they get their exercise too. If your dog loves water, he can have his own dog-pool in the shade of his home to have fun for cooling off.

Give your dog some space

Summer can make your dog grumpy and irritable. So offer him some space, he will love it. Also, remind young children  that their hugs may not be appreciated on sweltering days.

Summer Grooming

Take your dog for regular grooming sessions and baths when necessary, as this will keep your dog's coat clean and free of knots. This is important as matting can trap heat.

Keep an eye on at-risk dogs

Take more care of snub-nosed dogs like a pug or bulldog. They have smaller airways which makes it hard for them to release heat when they pant.